We stock over 250 colours of shoe creams and if the colour you want isn’t in stock, we can order from our suppliers to best match your shoes. Shoe creams are easier to apply than polishes and tend to easier absorb quicker in to the leather they are being applied to.

We have polishes from Kiwi, Cherry Blossom and other suppliers in stock. Polishes tend to be thicker in their application and need a bit more work than creams but generally provide a better coverage and protection than their shoe cream counterparts.

We offer a range of shoe laces in multiple colours starting from 45cm to 220cm. There are various options such as flat or round and varying degrees of thickness depending on whether the shoe is a dress shoe, walking boot or somewhere in-between.

If you want a quicker option for polishing up your shoes (or a quick school school tidy up) Instant shine polishes do the trick. Easy to apply straight from the tub with the included sponge head on top. We also have trainer whitener to spritz up your sports shoes.

When cleaning shoes, we sell a universal cleaner which is a foam based product that will help to lift stains as well as other stronger products for deeper engrained stains. Always try a small patch test before applying any product fully!

For shoes that are suede or nubuck, a gentler option for cleaning or reviving is sold. These products help to clean the delicate leathers and can help bring back the nap or for some revive the colour.

Water proofers such as dubbin or mink oil are ideal for walking boots and shoes as they help waterproof and feed the leather at the same time. Dubbin tends to be heavier than Mink oil and leaves a greaser covering or we have the waxed leather oil which provides an alternative.

We also stock traditional items such as saddle soap or mink oil for your leather care needs. Saddle soap is great for cleaning leather and helping to remove and dirt than might have worked it’s way in. Neatsfoot oil is a great moisturiser for leather too and perfect for giving dry leather a boost.

we also sell leather moisturisers and protector sprays which will enhance the longevity of your leather products. The leather moisturiser feeds the leather much like a skin moisturiser and can be applied to any leather product. Protector sprays help provide a waterproofing barrier which will help to stop salt stains appearing once the leather is wet.