Key Cutting


Cylinder Keys

We stock a large range of ‘Yale’ style keys and can usually cut them straight away or within a few minutes. The keys vary in price and when you come to get your keys cut, providing the original copy will give you the best result although we are of course able to cut copy keys too. We also stock window keys to lawn mower and even a few plane keys so please ask!

Mortice Key

We also stock a wide range of mortice style keys and as with above can usually cut them right away. We stock a range of gauges and can cut keys from small wardrobe style keys to larger church door keys or point you in the right direction.

Car Keys

We have specialist machines that allow us to cut a range or motor vehicles keys or blades. With programmable keys, they are able to manually open and turn the ignition providing you with an emergency spare key. With most car key cutting / programming, we will need your vehicles close by (there are two car parks opposite Shoetrees) as we read information from your car and put it into our machine.

We can also offer case replacement for when your current key is working but if the case is damaged or worn. If we don’t have the case in stock we can usually order one to fit.

Security Keys

We are able to cut a selection of security keys in branch and if the keys are restricted keys, we can often send away for them to be cut through our range of suppliers. Some security keys will need a form of ID provided before they can be cut and often come with a small card which contains a series of numbers. If you have this card or if the key has a security code on the key, we can often send the order without sending the key so please check before you come in. Security keys can sometimes take a while but we will always give you call once they arrive.